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Neither Civil nor Servant 
Twenty-four years in the Immigration Service

by Martin Lloyd

ISBN: 9780 9573 6394 6

Hardback 232mm x 155mm, 444pp, 60 black and white illustrations.

CATEGORY: Current Affairs, Autobiography

When Britain joined the Common Market, Martin Lloyd joined the UK Immigration Service. For the next twenty-four years he rubbed shoulders with royalty and rascals while stamping passports in the company of scholars, schemers and scatterbrains.

This racy narrative traces his progress from Heathrow's Terminal Three, when Concorde was a novelty, through the first waves of political asylum refugees to the complexities of manning the United Kingdom's first real international land border - the Channel tunnel. 

His dealings with the dangerous, the illegal, the lunatic and the famous are recounted within the framework of the politics and social issues of the time. This is no high treatise on the international right of the movement of labour; it is a down-to-earth account of how the Immigration Service functioned at the human level and of the challenges faced by those employed to police the borders of the United Kingdom. 

Martin Lloyd is an amusing and entertaining public speaker and brings to this work the wit, humour and sharply focused observation for which he is well known. 

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Buy Neither Civil nor Servant by Martin Lloyd